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Raven Bell
Editing Stuff
The Basics
What is all this stuff?
Quick Tips for Firestorm Users
CTRL+B opens & closes the build window
Press ctrl alt T to see invisible / transparent things
Ctrl Z will undo the last stretch/transformation/rotation you did on an object
Use 'Select Face' and 'Edit Linked' to select only part of your item
Use the arrows underneath the Edit Linked check mark to flip through faces and link numbers of your mesh to select things easily
You can right click edit an item from your inventory
What's Bento Mean?
Project Bento gave Second Life more bones to rig to and animate.
Bento heads are RIGGED MESH, meaning you cannot move them around. You can resize them and change their shape using shape sliders.
This also means we don't have to use alpha frames to make animated mesh heads anymore.
Did you know?
Possibly Useful SL Tips for Firestorm Users
You can click and hold on your avatar to move your camera around, and right click to walk. Double right click to run!
Right click inspect an item you like on a stranger to find it's creator. Open the creator's profile and search for links to their store. If that doesn't work, try copy pasting their name into a store search on Marketplace!
When you search in your inventory, you can use a + to search for two words in the title that aren't consecutive; for example, "maitreya+feet" could help filter the search quickly (bypassing any odd formatting) when you're looking for just feet!
You can copy paste native emojis into SL chat bars!
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Editing Stuff
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